Sunday 15 November 2015

Anticipating Post-Terror Terror (God forbid)

Untuk Bahasa Indonesia, silahkan lihat di bawah.

Just in case any of you get Attack or discrimination for being a Muslim (especially after #parisattacks

Where To Report Incidences

Please report to the Police in the first instance by ringing 101
if not an emergency. Please also report to
SARI (Support Against Racism and Inequality) and any of the other agencies listed.
These are taken from the leaflet.

The Police - Call 101 - If an emergency response is not required.
The Police - Call 999 - If an emergency response is required.

SARI - 0800 171 2272 (freephone) or 0117 942 0060

BMCS (Bristol Muslim Cultural Society) - Email:

BMFF (Bristol Multi Faith Forum) - Email:

At a national level we would strongly encourage contacting

Tell Mama

MAMA is a public service for measuring and monitoring anti-Muslim attacks.

Reports can be submitted at the following link:

Please also read the following link for a summary of categories of abuse:

What are the classifications of attack?

Attacks are classified as follows:
1. Extreme Violence – i.e, a violent attack on a person / property
that has the potential to cause the loss of life or Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH).

2. Assault – i.e, a physical attack against a person which
does not pose a threat to their life and is not GBH. This includes
objects being thrown at someone, even if the object misses.

3. Damage and Desecration of Property –
i.e, this includes anti-Muslim graffiti being daubed
on Muslim property and damage to vehicles motivated by anti-Muslim hatred.

4. Threats – Any clear and specific threat, whether
physical, verbal or written. If the threat is not clear and
specific then the incident should be recorded as Abusive Behaviour.

5. Abusive Behaviour –
Verbal or written anti-Muslim abuse.

6. Anti-Muslim Literature –
Mass produced and mass mailed literature with anti-Muslim content.

For Norwich and Norfolk are, click:
Other website: SARI (Support Against Racism and Inequality):

"TERROR" pasca "TERROR".
Setelah ada aksi terorisme, maka terkadang ada saja perilaku tak menyenangkan ditimpakan kepada Muslim (minoritas) yang berada di luar negeri, khususnya Eropa, AS, dan Australia. Maklum, kebodohan, tidak mau verifikasi (tabayun), buruk sangka  (suudzon), fitnah dan kabar burung, serta  kekerasan ada di mana-mana. Tindakan2 tidak menyenangkan ini khususnya menimpa saudari-saudari yang berjilbab, alias yang secara lahiriah menunjukkan identitas keislaman mereka.

Tapi, "untunglah", kalau di Inggris Raya, sehari setelah kejadian #parisattacks , komunitas muslim setempat menyebarkan informasi bagaimana dan apa yang harus dilakukan jika kita mendapatkan perilaku diskriminasi, ancaman, serangan dll. Di antaranya, selebaran bertajuk " "Tackling Islamophobia Bristol", yang mendefinisikan apa itu "attack" dan ciri-cirinya.

Salah satu kiatnya adalah  menyuruh untuk mencatat dan merekamnya. Dan menyertakan beberapa tautan, baik dalam skala lokal dan nasional.
misalnya ke sini:
atau untuk yang di Norwich dan sekitarnya, bisa ke sini:

Semoga kami, dan saudara-saudara kami yang Muslim dari negara manapun, terhindar dari kejadian yang tak diinginkan. amin.

Jadi berpikir, apakah lembaga serupa--yang melindungi minoritas dari berbagai ancaman, gangguan, dan hambatan--sudah ada di Indonesia, di tingkat kotamadya atau negara ya? Bisa tolong diinfokan di sini? Trims berats.

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